Saturday 18 October 2014

Photoshoot for Digipack 1

photos for album cover - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires Here are some photos that I took for my Digipak, which I fully edit and complete their designs on Sunday

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Planning - Analysis of Digipak

Analysis of Life Round Here Digipak

There album cover displays the car with James Blake and Chance the Rapper in it. It is an illustrated version of the video which has the car and graveyard. There is also a Chapel in the cover but this has no connection with our own idea of setting in a chapel. The numbers 1-800 either has a connection with an area code that relates to the title of the song. The spiraling road also relates to the lyrics. 
I think it is a good idea to stick with the black and white theme since it is used in the video and album cover.

Monday 13 October 2014

Pitch - Social Media - Hana

Pitch - Risk Assessment - Korrie

Pitch- Production Schedule - Cristian

Pitch- Animatic - Hana

Pitch- Storyboard - Korrie

Storyboard - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Pitch - Theory - Cristian

Goodwin's Theory - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Pitch - Industry - Hana

Powered by emaze

Pitch - Post Production - Korrie

Pitch - Green Screen - Cristian

No Green Screen

Although we considered using green screen for our super natural 'monsters' we decided not to. We think we might run into technical problems but also because it might not look professional enough. We also decided to avoid it because we haven't had enough experience using we want our music video to look as professional as possible. 

Pitch - Draft Digipak and Advertisement - Hana

Pitch - Draft Digipak and Advertisement - Korrie

Front cover 

Back cover

When I was editing my Digipak I wanted to follow the techniques  that I would use in my music video which where having a black and white filter while having gold highlights. It will also be easy for our target audience to identify who the artist(s) is as I have used a medium shot to illustrate this. The text is gold which stands out from the picture, so this will attract  the audiences attention

Pitch - Draft Digipak and Advertisement - Cristian

Design for my Digipak

Drawn Cover

For my cover I want to have the title of the song in a graveyard or gothic font. I want to have a stone border around me and Korrie. I will use a photography of me and Korrie, split our faces and join them together. The cover will be black the letters will be in stone grey. Our faces will be in white with a strong contrast to the background; this will look similar to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

In Side 

The inside will be the same design as the outside however the faces will be placed separately. I would like to include some type of synergy either a poem that goes with the song or character. 

Untitled Haiku Deck - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Pitch - Synergy - Hana

Our colour scheme will be: black, white and gold.

Our video will have a black and white filter although you will still be able to see the gold elements. A example image from Google:
This is how our video will look.

The colour scheme will be repeated throughout the video, digipak and advertisement.

Pitch - Costume - Korrie

Pitch - Setting and Location - Cristian

However we have a back up plan of using back alleys and other urban locations. This is because we might be able to gain access to the Chapel on the day of filming. Although we tried to organise for us to rent the location this might not happen.

Pitch - Audience 2 - Hana

I found it difficult to find a fan-site for 'James Blake' so in addition I went to find some for 'Chance the rapper'. I found a Tumblr run by a fan which is dedicated to Chance. you can go to the website here! The website features information such as his tour dates, mixtape downloads and many pictures and videos which get updated daily. There is also an 'ask box' which enables users to ask questions and get the user that runs the blog to reply and it also gets uploaded onto the blog. Here is a preview of the website:

This screenshot also shows that i have submitted a question to the blog. I have asked about what they would expect to see in a video of his in terms of performance, location and style. I will be checking regularly to see when they reply and will be uploading the answers.

Pitch - Audience 1 - Korrie

Pitch - Initial Ideas - Cristian

PITCH - Brand Image - Hana

Powered by emaze

Pitch- Song Choice - Korrie

Pitch- Concept - Cristian

Men's degenerating environment can push him to release his inner demons.

RESEARCH FOR MUSIC VIDEO: Reflection On Progress

I think i have made progress so far into the A2 year. I have used some online presentation tools that i did not use last year such as Emaze and Thinglink although i still need to expand this by using more and also keeping it up. I also need to improve my writing by adding more detail into my work.

PLANNING: Outfit Ideas

I Will be styling the boys by choosing their outfits. I have made a 'Thinglink' to show some of the rough ideas i have for the style of each artist.

Friday 10 October 2014

Planning for music video: Changes from Original Video

Our video will be located in an a large enclosed area such as a warehouse or chapel. We wont have a moving drone like they did in the original, instead we will be using a fly cam and fig rigs. We will incorporate the black and white filter because it goes with the soul and rap.  Our video will have a nightmare like feeling and will not be outside. We will be using bicycles instead of a car. Some people will be using masks to add to the nightmare feeling. We will try to use a flickering effect to go between Cristian and Korrie. We wont have any birds in our video. Our music video will be focusing on lighting and tone between the environment and us preforming.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Research for music video: Reflection on progress

Research for music video - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Research for music video: Skills audit

Thinking back to the AS I have realized that many things have changed in my blogging work as I take much more time researching before I start blogging which helps me a lot as my work becomes more interesting and in dept. The A2 year has proven a challenge that I very much enjoy as we are soon reaching the process of our pitch it, researching helps  very much since our pitch is very similar to how they do it in the music industry.Hopefully because I have group who are hard workers and have brilliant research skills our pitch will be of a high standard.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Planning: Final Song Choice

Life Round Here

We chose this song because we came up with a great concept that was easier to do. We both fit the characters in the song so we feel like it would be easier to expand on their persona. The song is easy enough to act out; and the lyrics provide meaning. The lyrics are simple enough for us to lip sync, but the rap also challenges us to lip sync to a faster beat. 

Planning for Music Video - Cristian : Potenital Songs

Potential Songs

Reason why we chose this is because we came up with a great concept. However with strong language we decided that it would be easier to avoid then to have swearing in our music video. Our concept would revolve around the rapper becoming successful as the song and video develops. We would show flashbacks of his old life and links these in with the lyrics.

The reason why we chose this song is because Hana best suited the character and stereotype. We were confident that Hana would be able to deliver the role; however when it came to filming she decided that she wasn't comfortable preforming in front of the camera. This meant that we would have to change the song again.

The reason why we choose this song is because it had a catchy old school beat to it which the all the group enjoyed. However when it came to actually making a film to this we realized it would be difficult as we would need another person to rap and the lyrics are very difficult to lip sync to.`

Friday 3 October 2014

Research for music video: evaluating lip sync project

Wordle: wordler
Wordle: vh

Research for music video: costume , setting

Research for Music Video: Reflection on progress

My Progress

This year have used a lot more technology to help me present my blog posts.
I have learnt how to use Prezi properly, I have also learnt to use PowToon and other presentation
websites. Last year I wasn't too confident with using these tools last year but now I can use them without a problem. I could improve many different ways; firstly I could try to make my blogs more interesting and in-depth. Secondly I could create extra blogs including my own research and planning for our music video. Lastly I could vary the technologies I use from post to post. 

Thursday 2 October 2014

Research for Music Video: Skill development

Skills Audit

Last year I was researching teens which is much broader audience. I used less online tech to help me present my blogging work. However this year we are researching an audience which we picked because its a convention to our music genre. Although it is a clash between British soul and rap we still have a clear target audience. I now have a better ability to target a more specific audience. I know the difference in conventions throughout different genres of music.