Monday 13 October 2014

Pitch - Draft Digipak and Advertisement - Cristian

Design for my Digipak

Drawn Cover

For my cover I want to have the title of the song in a graveyard or gothic font. I want to have a stone border around me and Korrie. I will use a photography of me and Korrie, split our faces and join them together. The cover will be black the letters will be in stone grey. Our faces will be in white with a strong contrast to the background; this will look similar to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

In Side 

The inside will be the same design as the outside however the faces will be placed separately. I would like to include some type of synergy either a poem that goes with the song or character. 

Untitled Haiku Deck - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

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