Thursday 6 November 2014

Production Of Music Video: How is it going?

 So far filming has been going at a good pace. Every filming session is fun to do and we get work done. There is a nice feeling of team work when it comes to filming as everyone does there part or finds a way to help. Although most of our filming sessions have been at night it doesn't feel too much effort to do because I am enjoying the process of creating the music video. I can see that my skills are improving with every session of filming. Before I wouldn't focus on the framing of the shot. However now I make sure it looks good before shooting. 

There is a lot more preparation when we are planning a shoot because we know its important not to waste time when there.The group is getting along fine and we even set up a Whatsapp group chat just to make sure everyone has a way to communicate with each other.
Soon we will start editing and I put myself forward for head editor. I think we have some nice shots although when it does come to edit I think we might stumble because some of the shots we are looking to use are way too short. I believe that in the future we might have to go out again to re-film some shots and have the full song played. 

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