Tuesday 20 January 2015

Evaluation 4: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Points made during the middle of our music production

"The footage is nice but the majority of people are saying that the flashes are a bit bright"
This feedback was extremely important as it gave us a chance to fix the brightness of the flashing lights. Without this information we could of dramatically affected the viewing pleasure of our audience in the cinema. This meant that are target audience would keep away from watching the video because of the powerful lighting. The main reason we changed it was because it could effect people that are epileptic.

" There are sections that are too long, I think you have to cut to more shots"
This was a very information was very important. It made us go back to the editing studio are cut most of our shots by one second or more. We also went back out to film to fill in the areas where we cut video time. This was useful information because it drastically changed the final outcome to the video. I helped us make our video fit more the genre and target audience by increasing the speed of shots. Like in music videos with rap; they usually speed up with the speed the artist is rapping.

" I think we are not being introduced to you as artists. Who is the featuring artist and who is the star? We need to see more of Cristian Aka Nathan Grey" 
We used this feedback and responded to it by giving myself ( Nathan Grey) more screen time then Korrie. We used longer shot of Nathan Grey singing with closer shots to the face. From past experience I figured that the audience would feel more connection with the artist when his face is closer and bigger on the screen. It was not good to hear that the audience did not recognize who was the featuring artist and who was the actual artist. Therefore this feedback affected the final video a lot.

"Why are we cutting from you in the daylight then going back to nightime?"
Originally we were going to tackle the problem by desaturating all the video.However due to our own accord we decided to get rid of this decision. The daylight to nigh-time and back was resolved by collecting shots of ally pally during sunsets. However this footage was not used and instead made sure that in our editing process more day time shots would be at the beginning and darker shots at the end. We also kept some desaturated shots to stay with the darker sound and theme mysterious.

" I think you should include the cloning shot of you "
We originally had a cloning shot with 3 Nathan Greys on screen. I decided not to include the shot because there was a split on the screen where the edit was extremely noticeable. However I went back to the edit because I wanted to use the effective shot, instead using online 2 Nathan Grey's where the edit was much less noticeable. The shot got a very positive response in the cinema. 

" The flickering is nice but because of the change of speed in shots it would work better if you sped up the shots afterwards too"
This was useful information as it made us change the tempo to the rest of the video. The flashing lights are a very memorable moment in the video and it speeds up the pace of the video; At this point in the video there is a lot of changes in shot it is a dramatic change from fast to slow. Therefore afterwards we had one shot where it was Korrie rapping with a small flashing light in the background. This was to bring back the audience from the flashing lights to normal pace again. This worked very well because it smoothed the audience back into the slower tempo. 

Audience Response During The Cinema 

Audio recording software >>

Feedback after the cinema viewing

Record music with Vocaroo >>

Ancillary Feedback 

Here is a response on facebook after uploading the digipak. I learned that the audience really pick up on the layout of the CD cover as they can relate this to other Album covers that they have experienced. Linking this to genre is a surprise to be because I have never noticed how the layout of an album can relate to a genre. However I think it was a good point to make because I looked at albums in different genres and did notice a difference in how the layout is displayed. He said that it all worked really well so I am happy with this feedback and that my combination of editing in photoshop and my ability to create a digipak to mix a complex genre was good. Although I am aware that this response is only from one person. 


The font was a slight worry for me as I wasn't sure if it people would understand how it fit the genre. I think that its ok he mentioned the font however; the song is written by James Blake. In my opinion he is a very diverse artists. He started in electronic music and then developed into a singer which is why he imports a lot of vocals into a electronic feeling song. From my research of James Blakes album I noticed they were quiet calm and simple. However since the flashing lights created a lot of hype in the cinema I think it was important to show that his songs also have a theme of techno in them. Relating this back to my ancillary: I kept to the conventions of Electronic music album covers by having an obvious edit on my front cover. The cloning of Nathan Grey is my interpretation of how, mainly electronic music musicians, create an album cover. The use of this font ,that was a little fancy, to have on the album; was my response the James Blake persona that Nathan Grey is closely related with. Because James Blake's album was quiet basic but looked to high standards this was the reason I used a combination of this font with an obvious edit, therefore it fits the combination of electronic music and calming vocals. 

Feedback on Ancillary Work

  • The distortion of the digipak is the similar to the distortion to the video
  • The front cover has synergy because I have repeated myself
  • Used the same location which created more synergy
  • Likes how I used the same picture throughout the ancillary work
  • Does think I should change anything
  • Noticed it is the same location and realizes the synergy of cloning.
  • Thinks that it works as a far away shot.
  • fits in with the "trippy" genre of the music. 
  • Thinks that half and half lion face fits with the featuring artists.
  • Likes how I've used the same image on the backpanel too.
  • Loves how I fit the album onto the original image.
  • The font works throughout the advertisement.

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