Carol Vernallis Experiencing Music Video: Aesthetics and Cultural Context
Carole observed and noticed that music editing in music videos happen a lot more frequently. She noticed that the editing followed the pace of the song. Most editing would stand out as Disjuncture because it is more noticeable then a music video which follows Illustration or Amplification.
- Carole noticed that continuity editing would be broken up a lot more then usual, as this brings attention to whats on screen.
- Wipes or Special effects; obvious edits are used to bring attention to the performance.
- Jump cuts are often used.
- Structure is created by setting base tracks.
- The camera moves a lot more with the music.
The Prodigy - Firestarter on MUZU.TV.
This is a good example of Jump Cuts as the camera gets closer to his face after the beat.
This video also follows the rule of editing with the pace of the song. A special effect or noticeable edit in this video is the grey/gritty filter used.
MNEK - Wrote A Song About You on MUZU.TV.
This is a great example of extreme editing as there are a lot of graphics flying around the screen.
Its quite fast pace and entertainment is created by the colourful graphics.
Route 94 - My Love on MUZU.TV.
In this video the special effect of thermal filter is used throughout. Its simple but goes with Carol's theory because there is a lot more special effects in this music video then there would be in a film.
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