Friday 19 September 2014

Research for Music Video: Function and Analysis of a Music video

What is the function of a music video?

Music videos have many different beneficial purposes they add more entertainment for the viewer, they illustrate the story or lyrics, a music video also shows the artist performance while singing. However the main purpose for a music video is to promote the song to people. By putting a video on popular websites such as YouTube it allows the audience to easily access a song. It promotes that video plus other related songs by the artist.

Analysis of : Red Hot Chili Peppers- By The Way

Red Hot Chili Peppers fall under the genre of Rock with an element of Funk.
The video is based out as a story; the main person from RHCP is being kidnapped by the taxi driver. The close up shots of the bass player (Flea) adds to the entertainment element of this video. It also creates a base track as the camera returns to the performers through out the whole video. The blueish filter on the camera adds to the feeling of rock and city feel. And that the RHCP are known for being cool because of their persona of punk rock. This video fits perfectly under the genre of Rock as the camera is always moving around. When the drum's start to play the camera moves even stronger.

The audience feels engaged with the story as the camera almost always moves around within its environment. For example; When in the taxi the camera movements are smoother and sway. Whereas the movements outside the taxi are faster and more frantic. This adds to the element of Rock as it creates more excitement for the audience due to it fitting with the music. When showing the band the camera often zooms directly but also uses jump cuts.

There is no choreographed dancing; the band move as they wish to the music. This is because in Rock and Funk bands tend express their emotions by "rocking out" as they want. Being shirtless in a Rock/Punk music video is common; therefore this is a perfect example demonstrating that.

Overall this is a perfect video for the genre of Funk Rock:
  • Camera is always moving to the music 
  • They band are shown playing multiple times
  • They are shirtless and are dancing without choreography
  • The bass is repeatedly shown which is part of the Funk element

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